How do I get the product key for the EndNote software?
When loading the EndNote software, it asks for the license product key.
It is important to follow the directions found on the EndNote library guide.
Go to the EndNote Installation section
The tab you use depends on what type of computer you are loading EndNote:
Windows Computer:
Wakehealth institutional-- PC institutional tab
Wakehealth personal computer-- PC personal
Atrium institutional or personal-- PC personal
Mac Computer:
Atrium and Wakehealth (institutional or personal)-- Mac tab
!! At no time during any software load from any tab above should the download ask for the product license key. !!
It is important to follow the directions on the PC personal tab, step number 4.
Right-click (Do not double click) the EndNote21Inst compressed file and select “extract all”,
Select a destination and extract the files
Continue on to step 5 & 6.
If you do not extract first, the license file will not be applied during program install. Users should never be asked to put in a license code at any point during download. If you do, be sure you are using Right Click as your extract method. I
If you are still having issues, reach out to Kim McBride.