How do I sync my Endnote library to a new library?

Occasionally Endnote software becomes disconnected with EndNote online and will not sync correctly, or you may change your mind and want to choose a different library to sync with your online account.

  1. Before starting, it is a good idea to backup your library into a compressed library.  File  |  Compress Library (.enlx)
  2. Disable automatic syncing in EndNote preferences, and restart EndNote. EndNote: Edit > Preferences > Sync.
  3. Delete all references and all groups from EndNote Web, with the exception of Shared Groups and ResearcherID Groups.
  4. Empty the Trash both in the web application AND in EndNote desktop.
  5. In EndNote desktop, please add this to the end of your E-Mail Address in the Sync preferences: #!resetLocalSync Note that this is case sensitive -- #!resetLocalSync NOT #!resetlocalsync. For example, if the email address was john.smith @, we would change this to john.smith @!resetLocalSync
  6. Manually sync your library. EndNote: Library > Sync.
  7. EndNote will then appear to authenticate and return the prompt: “A Sync library can be linked to only one account. Do not proceed unless you intend to break the link to the original account.” This happens because we tricked EndNote into thinking it authenticated against another user. Click OK, and EndNote will purge any knowledge of the previous sync.
  8. EndNote will then display a message, “Your local sync state has been reset. Please re-enter your E-Mail Address, restart EndNote, and Sync again.”
  9. Restart EndNote.
  10. Open the Sync Preferences, enter the correct user/pass in and setup the automatic sync settings. Continuing with the example used above, I would now re-enter john.smith @ as my email address in the Preferences.
  11. When you next click Sync, you will once more get “A Sync library can be linked to only one account. Do not proceed unless you intend to break the link to the original account. Click OK.
  12. You will also be prompted to make a backup. This is up to you but of course, we recommend it.
  13. Complete sync will then begin.


Heads up!  A full sync can take a while to complete. Time depends on number of references and amount and file size of attached PDFs.  Prepare to be patient.

This should transfer all the references from EndNote Desktop to EndNote online and the changes should be automatically synced thereafter.

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  • Last Updated Jan 09, 2024
  • Views 4
  • Answered By Kim McBride

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